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Going with a slightly different theory here.
Much like my cartoon page,
I'll just stick to listing the comics that are either
must reads for me now or were in the past.

Here's the list!

A few I liked in particular
FarSide - Dog Related
FarSide - Tuba Related
You can check out more tuba comics in the Tuba Tribune.

Online Comics

Here are comics written by people dreaming to make it to the funny
pages of a paper near you someday (just like Rudy Park).
Til then, here are the ones that I'm checking on a daily basis!

I've mentioned Brian's comic before, so you'd think you people
would be all over the site by now! :-) Now Brian does have a real
"day job" so he only updates MWF with new comics. However the other
days are taken up with viewer mail and a little bit of the
japanese poetry haiku.
That doesn't mean that you can't help out the recovering
artist/judo instructor/sports sound guy/god knows whatever jobs he holds
by buying some of his stuff.
If nothing else, make sure you visit during Engineers Week
since you're bound to see math problems and lawyer jokes.
Isn't that reason enough to tune in???

PVP Player Vs Player
Apparently Scott Kurtz makes enough money with T Shirts and books
because he's offering his PVP comic to any newspaper for free!
Thats one way to make it into the paper and beat the syndicates.
Spend your reward on ale and whores baby!

Tatsuya is another one who has some compilations available
on Amazon if you like his stuff.
His site features a counter of the # of times he's been rejected by syndicates (11 as of this update).
While I do like a lot of his stuff, I do have to admit its probably too racy for your local paper

Penny Arcade
I'm giving his one a shot, although it doesn't ALWAYS scream
funny at me. But its got a tech slant to it which I just have
to give a shot!

Update - Yep its survived and has become a pretty consistent must read.

Pet Professional
Pet Assassin for hire ... watch out for the dolphins!

Comics that I'm forced to read online that others get in papers
Ok, "forced" is a strong word ... but these appear in the other paper
that I don't subscribe to, so I rely on the ole internet to make sure I'm caught up.

A regular since the days of SI

Ah that wacky Jason and his ever failing plots!
Bill has his own personal page where you can
catch all the latest news he has to share.

Rose is Rose

Another one that can get itself skipped right over
on a day if its too politically preachy, but thanks
to some of the parents old books from Gary, I've been reading
his strips for decades now

Now I no longer need to rely on the memories of the ps old books either! :-)
I got "The Bundled Doonesbury", which comes complete with 9000 strips from the first
25 years! Such as ...

Doonesbury published on my birthday
[Doonesbury from my bday]

Words to live by
[Football and beer]

Some of the all time greats

Calvin & Hobbes - Finally got the anthology!
Bloom County - Read this again thanks to ucomics!

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